Thursday, March 19, 2009

We're Home!

Home, of course, being the Ronald McDonald house... Ben was released from the hospital this afternoon. It is so nice to be in our own space and to be able to spend time with family. As long as Ben stays healthy, he can stay out of the hospital for a while. I have taken a crash course in nursing and have to give medicines, shots, and take care of his central line. It is a LOT of work and a LOT of reponsibility. I already had to call the hospital tonight with questions about his medicine. Ben is happy! He runs, what's new, like any normal busy one year old. He has not thrown up once yet but he is not out of the woods yet. His blood counts should drop dramatically over the next week. We will not only have to watch for infection, but also avoid bruises and cuts. Chances are, we will be back in the hospital for some reason before the next chemo round starts. We are doing well!


  1. I am glad Ben is doing so well right now. Glad you are out of the hospital & that he is able to run & play still! {HUGS}

  2. Your Roy "fam" is cheering you on! We love you. We are happy you are rock'n with Ronald again! Love ya!

  3. Good for Ben! We're so proud of you both!

  4. That is great news! I think that Dallas didn't want Ben to feel yucky after chemo so she has thrown up all week for him! I am so happy that he is doing so well!

  5. Hi there - How are you all doing? Are the days settling into a routine? We hope that you have recovered from the flu bug! Tell Nathan, Sam & Sis Allred we said hello! The Coxes

  6. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you all. Glad to hear that Ben is out of the hospital right now and doing well. Thanks for doing this blog! We love you guys!!!
