Friday, April 3, 2009

Stem Cell Harvest starting

Well, the surgery to place the second line went as well as it could have. Ben came back pretty groggy tired but well. The nurses are hooking him up to the phareses over the next couple of hours. He is resting well, hopefully he will stay calm through the procedures today.

The plan, as we know it, is to do the harvest the cells today. They will do a check to see if we got enough and let us know by this afternoon. Hopefully tomorrow they will begin the next round of the chemo.

Elizabeth, Megan, and I will head back for Anchorage on Sunday morning. Samantha, Nathan, and Grandma will head for Utah on Wednesday. Cari is not excited about the prospect of being alone again, but we do what we have to do.


  1. We are so happy that Ben is doing well, although it breaks my heart to know that everyone is leaving. You are absolutely have to do what you have to do! We would love to help Grandma if she needs anything!!!!!

  2. I'm glad that Ben is doing well, and I hope the procedures today go as planned.

    I thought you might be interested in this:

    Wish Upon A Hero is a free web-site where anyone can make a wish, and anyone can grant a wish. No wish is too great and no wish is too small. If you're interested, make a profile and wish for money for Ben; I'm sure that if you provide photos of his scans that people will donate. The people on that site are wonderful, and Ben deserves all the help he can get.

    Best of luck!

