Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Heaven and Hell and Purgatory

That is what the Dr. said when he took us to the other room to talk about the results of Ben's scan today. There is heaven and hell and purgatory, and I am putting you into purgatory. He had reviewed the MRIs from today and there is some change. There is more color in the contrast scan but no real answers as to what that means. Basically, the rollercoaster continues with no answers.

The scans will get sent to Seattle for further review. We are not sure if we are back to a three month cycle for scans or if we will be on a monthly visit until they get a handle on what they are looking at with the changes. My guess is the latter.

For now, we will just enjoy more time with a happy and healthy, definitely two-year-old crazy Ben.


  1. Maddening! But a post that ends with "more time", "happy" and "healthy" is a good place holder, I guess.

  2. I'm still sticking with my "radiation-related changes" story. To my knowledge, ATRT doesn't poke around. Three weeks would be a good amount of time for it to grow significantly and declare itself.

  3. Congrats on a little sister. Hope all goes well with the scans.

  4. So please take care of your little sister. It is such a critical situation for you and your family. I hope all the scans go well and she will fine very soon.

