Once the IV was in (9am~ish) we walked to the MRI room and left Ben with the doctors. We had a couple of hours to kill so we got some breakfast and then went back to his room to wait for him to come back. The time went pretty quickly, but I definitely like Bob Barker better than Drew Carey on the Price is Right. Once we Ben got back they did the lumbar puncture. While the doctor was doing the puncture the doctor said something like, "I like to see the scans for myself. and "I can get the verbal report but I really like to see what is going on so I can better explain it". Immediately my mind went to the worst possible scenario. We sat around waiting for Ben to wake up for a half-hour or so. After two hours under anesthetic it took a while on oxygen before he was interested in much.
When Ben finally started coming around he was VERY groggy. Even with the enticement of french fries, he was pretty out of it. The doctor came in and we braced for the news. He said that it looked as good as it possibly can. Ben's brain has continued to fill in the space once occupied by the tumor. There will still probably be some ongoing adjustments there; his counts all were in good ranges; there was no sign of cancer cells in his spinal fluid. WAHOOOOOO!
We are extremely excited to say the least. They will send these results to Seattle for final reading and evaluation by Ben's team. One of his doctors is headed to Alaska in a couple of weeks and we anticipate having the opportunity to meet with him. We are just happy that this hurdle is over. After having this be so totally consuming since February it is a little different not to have an appointment scheduled or to know a new test schedule.
One of the negative attributes of ATRT cancer is that it has a high rate of recurrance. For now we plan to simply live every day. To that end we will probably not spend much time here updating the "wild adventure". It has truly been an adventure thus far and will continue to be I am sure, but with no immediate news (other than the hopeful return of Ben's hair) I imagine we will spend most of our time chasing kids and their various activities rather than updating the blog.
We continue to be every grateful for the love and support of family and friends. Many we have met along this journey, and many more who have just always been there when we needed them. To friend both old and new, Ben says thanks!!

Signing off - - - - It is time to go get Ben into the tub and try to scrape off the layers of cotton candy and ice cream from the celebration party we had for Family Home Evening!!
The Allreds
Congratulations! We are so happy for your entire family!
That is such incredible news! I will so miss your blog updates though. We have learned so much about faith through your family. We pray that Ben continues to do well and that you are all able to enjoy your wonderful life together. We always send our love and prayers and hope for an incredible lifetime of memories!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is excellent news. I will call Ann tomorrow and let her know. She will probably start crying and will be super excited for you guys. You guys are amazing and we LOVE you TONS!!! If we ever come visit Alaska I will give you a call. If you ever go through Idaho--CALL ME!!
ReplyDeleteWe are thrilled for all of you. You have inspired us with your courage and faith. Way to go Ben!
ReplyDeleteThe Wilsons
You guys are so amazing and we are so happy for your family. What a long journey! I wish you guys lived closer I would love to hug you all! {{hugs}} Your families faith has strenghtened mine! Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read for awhile, and I'm happy that I might not be reading awhile again for other reasons! Enjoy your life, enjoy your family, but most of all while things are good enjoy that little bundle of energy. He reminds me a lot of my almost 2 year old wild one! Thanks for letting me in our your 'wild adventures'!
ReplyDeleteHooray! sounds great! Ginny said "I want to go to my friend Ben's house in Alaska." I said we cant today because we would have to take an airplane. She misses you like I do. Glad you are doing great. Hugs!