Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gong Out II

Here it is. Ben's last day of radiation. He has no idea of course. For him its just another day. We checked in at the front desk and then Ben went to have his vitals taken.

After vitals we went to the upstairs playroom to wait for his turn. They have been a couple of hours late all week so.... Today they were early!!!!! It's time to hit the gong!


Cheers! Hugs! Balloons! Presents! (They gave him the monkey that he has hugged, kissed, and danced with every morning.)

Nothing to be afraid of in here! Time for a little nap while the machine does its thing.

Meanwhile the food is laid out. There are at least five people gonging out today. There was fruit, bagels, muffins, kolaches, chicken minis, cheesecake, carrot cake, etc... Thanks to Kelly for putting on a great spread!

Ben is not asleep anymore! It is time to EAT!!!!! He looks a bit like a newborn pup...his eyes are closed but he is stuffing it in!

Do you like the napkin the nurse put under his chin so he didn't get his shirt dirty?

It all ended with a sponge Bob cake! It is supposed to read "Leaving for Bikini Bottom" but.... Ben and Trent didn't really care! Happy Gong Party!


  1. Just want to make it clear that isn't me in the party spread picture no matter what the caption makes you think! ;)

    Contrats Ben! I might have been the only one sad at the Gong party because I don't want to see you go.

  2. What a great celebration! I love the gong and how cool that he got to keep the stuffed animal! Hopefully you guys have a lot more celebrations in the future!!!! Have a safe flight......
